Full Share

$700 shares are comprised of a total of 65 pounds of farm product distributed over 5 monthly pick-ups (November – March) of roughly 12-15 pounds each. Members can expect to receive a combination of organically-fed pork, 100% grass-fed beef & lamb and organically-fed, pastured chicken. 

Small Share

$520 shares are comprised of 45 pounds of farm product distributed over 3 monthly pick-ups (November-January) 15 pounds each. Members can expect to receive a combination of organically-fed pork, 100% grass-fed beef & lamb and organically-fed, pastured chicken.


Summer Share

$165 shares are comprised of 15 pounds of grillable farm product distributed once in the summer (June or August). Members can expect to receive a combination of organically-fed pork, 100% grass-fed beef and organically raised and pastured chicken. 


Our members have access to lard, stock, bones and organ meats at no cost throughout their distribution season!

Our share price reflects the real cost of raising animals on a diversified small-scale, with daily care and fed certified organic rations. The cheap prices found at the super grocers do not reflect the externalities (environmental, human health and animal welfare) in raising livestock on a large scale and pumping them full of waste feed concentrates and antibiotics. In order for small farms to return to our hillsides, we must decide that we are willing to pay, entirely, for what we eat.  Our animals are grazed together cows, sheep and poultry and moved to new grass everyday. Our poultry and pigs receive Green Mountain Feeds certified organic grain rations daily. You bet it costs more.

Pick-up Locations

While we always welcome members to pick-up their monthly share here on the farm, we recognize that it's easier for folks to participate when there is a distribution point where their daily lives unfold. Therefore, we've forged partnerships with various distribution sites in our larger community. Shares are available for pick-up at the following locations:

*On the farm in Warwick, MA

South Deerfield, MA - Atlas Farm Stand

Florence, MA - Crimson & Clover Farm

Concord, MA - Nashoba Brook Bakery

Boston, MA - Dorchester, Field's Corner